Monday, July 26, 2010

Philadelphia Weekend

Hello all,

Sunday went thusly:

Went to Philadelphia's most beloved of biannual punk rock flea markets... The Punk Rock Flea Market. It's been moved (all the way across the street!) from the stuffy and of questionable hygiene Starlight Ballroom to what is being referred to as the "Dome". Even though it was as stiflingly hot as a punk rock flea market should be, it was a huge space and packed with vintage goodies and food goodies and people goodies. I went with a classmate for just about an hour, as I had to go to Old City with her right after, and got two Amish hex rings. What is my obsession with folk?

After the flea market, we rushed to Old City to get started on decorating/installing a window for local boutique Scarlet Alley. Our window looks amazing, and I'm so proud of our group.

Pictures soon, as we're still putting up the finishing touches.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I just have this to say for right now:

Iris Van Herpen... Synesthesia.... A/W 10-11. Mindbending designer from the Netherlands.

Are you dying yet?

I look forward to speaking with/at/to you.

-- Melanie